Posted by Sweet Copper Penny | 12:32 PM | 4 comments »

Ok, so I actually saw 160's today. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my scale said 169.5 this morning. I'm so excited! I've workedd hard for this and in 24.5 more pounds, I'll be at my first goal!  Last night I went for a late run, because it cooled off nicely yesterday. This morning I woke up full of energy (but not the kind that made me want to start attacking all of this tile dust yet!) so I did my 40 minute Fat Blasting Cardio step dvd. I've really been mixing up my workouts that don't involve running and I noticed today that my muscles were able to move a bit better. I used to do this exact same workout every other day and I think I just burned out my thighs and it wasn't doing much for me. I like the idea of muscle confusion and that seems to make sense. 

I still have't been able to get hubby to actually give me a full workout on his bowflex. I really want to start incorporating that also. I've asked him many times and he's always busy. Maybe tonight I'll try "naked bowflex workout?" If that doesn't work, I'll give up! LOL


  1. ~Oct // January 11, 2009 at 12:46 PM  


  2. Anonymous // January 11, 2009 at 12:47 PM  

    Awesome! Congrats on your weight loss. I was laughing at your options on getting hubby motivated to help you with your bowflex.. Love it :) Have a great weekend and great job!

  3. Anonymous // January 11, 2009 at 1:36 PM  

    Congratulations, thats awesome!

  4. Harry/JP // January 11, 2009 at 4:22 PM  

    Good going, Penny! You're making steady and brisk progress.

    Keep up the good work!

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