Moving on Down

Posted by Sweet Copper Penny | 11:57 AM | 3 comments »

Ok, so the scale is FINALLY moving! I was an even 157 this morning. YEAH! I'm so close to reaching my goals I can actually taste it. (diet pun intended) I've had a great week now that the kids are out of school. I've still been working out like crazy in the mornings and then we spend our afternoons in the pool. My tan is looking awesome!


  1. Anne H // June 12, 2009 at 7:57 PM  

    Yay for the moving scale. You go girl.. and a tan, too!

  2. jinxxxygirl // June 13, 2009 at 1:36 AM  

    I'm soo glad you are on a roll and the little froggie is floating up and up! Will post current froggie positions later this afternoon/evening . Everyone has reported in! Jinx!

  3. jinxxxygirl // June 18, 2009 at 3:14 PM  

    HI there girl! Just your friendly little weigh in reminder for the contest! Weigh yourself Friday and let me know how much you lost or gained. Got my fingers crossed! Jinx!

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